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5 Signs of a Highly Intelligent Person.



5 Signs of a Highly Intelligent Person. 46


Most highly intelligent people do not know that they possess above average intelligence. Intelligence is a widely studied topic. While some are emotionally intelligent, others are excellent at problem-solving. Contrary to popular belief, memory and logical reasoning are only parts of intelligence.

Not being able to ace mathematical problems or memorise long prose doesn’t make you a less intelligent person. While the popular idea of intelligence continues to suffer an incorrect reputation, there are some common traits that say you might be an exceptionally intelligent person. You don’t need to undergo IQ tests or tasks to analyse these traits. Here are 10 signs that say you are a highly intelligent person.



1. You Are A Night Owl


There are various studies that suggest night owls – people who prefer to stay up late and are most productive at night have a higher IQ than most people. It has nothing to do with developing the habit of studying at night or reading at night. Their brain is more active and efficient at night. However, do not confuse night owls aka late sleepers with insomniacs. They do not have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. They just sleep late.




Late sleepers are known to have a longer attention span. Their brain might not even need as much sleep as others to rest and reboot. If you are one of those people who can study faster at night or come up with bright ideas at night, you are a highly intelligent person.


2. Your Room Is In Chaos


Are you one of those people whose mothers are sick of scolding them for not keeping a tidy room? Are you one of those who are sick of telling them that messy room is your element? Have you ever thought, “there isn’t anything wrong with my room. I like it this way.” If your brain functions better in organised chaos, you are likely to be more intelligent than you think.




People with high IQ and messy room are mostly original thinkers. You might even surprise yourself and come up with great works. Psychological scientist Kathleen Vohs says that “Disorderly environments seem to inspire breaking free of tradition, which can produce fresh insights. Orderly environments, in contrast, encourage convention and playing it safe.”


3. You Are Familiar With Anxiety




Highly intelligent people are likely to suffer from anxiety from time to time. But your anxiety is the result of your awareness and efforts to resolve problems. The more information you have and the more curious you have, the more reasons you have to worry. Neuropsychologists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Maryland, USA tried to understand the brain activity of people with high IQ. They found a strong correlation between high intelligence and anxiety. They concluded that anxiety and intelligence may have developed together during the course of evolution.


4. You Are Considered A Silent One




Many highly intelligent people are considered introverts and socially awkward by others. If you have been mocked for not being talkative in social circles, you are not necessarily introverted but intelligent. People with high IQ struggle to make small talk. This makes them look like the silent ones who are shy and easily intimidated. But the truth is that you just haven’t found your people yet. When you are put with people of your own caliber and interests, you might turn out to be a chatterbox.


5. You Love Perfection




Do you keep thinking about that project you could have done better? There is nothing wrong with you. You just want things to be perfect and do it to the best of your ability. Striving for perfection is one of the notable qualities of highly intelligent people. When working on a project, you explore all the perspectives you can think of and would love to make multiple drafts. Submitting the first draft of the assignment is your worst nightmare. It could be because your brain is pleasantly involved in the project and keep coming up with better ideas.
