5 years agoon
FrimpongAccording to her, the guy disappeared for two months after he heard the news and refused to pick his calls.
But just when he texted him that he has aborted the pregnancy, he reappeared.
Read his full message below;
Abena, there’s this guy I started dating in May 2017. It started as a rebound but became serious as time went on.
Everything was going on well in the first month but fast forward in July he started complaining about money and some hardships. Long story short, he asked me to take a loan for him to do some business since I’m a government worker. Well, regardless of the fact that I had only started taking salary few months before I met him and that I just met him too; i did not hesitate.
I took the loan for him which he promised paying back in three month’s time. I took the loan from Dalex and Ecobank. The deductions from both sides every month has exhausted my monthly salary. I never stressed him with money issues though my take-home salary became a chicken change. I tried managing the little I’ve been taking which is Gh140 nd the random helps I get to take care of the home since he also came to live with me.
Few months after, I received my salary arrears and I foolishly told him about it. I had wanted to give part of it to my mum to buy some appliances with the remaining but he managed to convince me to give him part of it. He told me he’s having a car somewhere but it’s in a bad shape so he wanted to fix it, sell it and pay off the loan I took for him.
That sounded so cool because it had been almost 6 months after I took the loan. He’d been so loving and all but I had serious issues with him. He lie, had this weird temper and attitude but I tried hard to convince myself that he’s a nice person. With time I started having some bad feelings about him so I decided to play a prank on him after he left to his place.
I told him I was pregnant. Nigga was soo happy and all over the phone but never returned lol. He stopped answering my calls for two good months (he never answered a single call from me) he disappeared nd I was so shocked. After several attempts to find him proved futile, I finally texted him that I got rid of the pregnancy cuz I realized that’s why he’s been avoiding me. Can you believe this guy showed up few days after with excuses that he travelled somewhere nd blah blah and asked why I aborted his pregnancy?
Well, there was one vacation I travelled to see my mum. I returned and my television was gone (42 inches Samsung). I questioned him and he told me there was a problem with it so he took it to repairs hmmm. New television having problems and you never told me? Till date the tele is nowhere to be found. I’m sure he sold it. The money he took from me to repair his car was a lie. In fact everything about him was a lie.
There are lot of things he did that I can’t even say to anyone nor type here. He made me have a different picture of men and utterly changed my outlook on love. There was a day we went to his place to spend the night, not long after, he told me he’s going to meet someone in town and will be back in a jiffy.
While in the room, I heard a knock, I asked who it was but no one replied so I walked to the door to open it but realized it was locked outside. He literally locked me inside and took the key away. So I said, “whoever is there kindly say ur name cuz this door has been locked” Then a lady spoke. I asked her to come to the window side
We vibed like the adults that we are and she confirmed she’s the girlfriend and they’ve been dating for two years. We both called him severally but he never answered any. The lady finally left after a long wait. The rest is history lol.
After several months of condoning his behaviours I asked for a break. Even after breaking up with him he calls sometimes that he’s broke, he needs money to do this and that which I give anytime I have but I stopped all these since Feb 2019.
Now it’s been two years and he hasn’t paid the loan. I advised him in March 2019 that since he can’t clear the loan, he should at least be paying the money the banks deducts every month but with this too he doesn’t pay regularly. He stopped answering my calls from October till now. I never told any of his family members initially because of the picture he painted about them but I did that recently yet they’re adamant. I do not have the courage right now to tell my family and it’s killing me cuz I have responsibilities.
Now I need advises.. Should I arrest him? Can the arrest be possible? If yes, will it solve the problem? The way he ignores my calls annoys me so much. What should I do? I’m seriously suffering silently. I can’t bear this for the next 20 months.”