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Things Men Subconsciously Do When They’re Hiding Something In A Relationship



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Things Men Subconsciously Do When They’re Hiding Something In A Relationship

References: Bustle, Relationship Rules, Cosmopolitan, Life Hack

Trust — it’s one of the most important parts to a healthy relationship, but it is also one of the most difficult parts to figure out. We want to believe everything is as it is; we want to have that 100 percent trust in our partner, but sometimes, it’s just hard to figure out if all the facts are truly being presented.

And then, once that little seed of doubt plants itself in your brain, it is all you will think about. Little else matters. You have to figure out if your man is telling the truth or if he’s likely gotten really good at deceiving you. Though a women’s intuition is a great power we ladies have, there are times our heart will fight what our gut is so desperately trying to tell us and we will begin our journey to uncover the whole truth.

We are in no way advocating for this type of skepticism in a relationship. We’re just saying, we have been there, we know it sucks, and we are here to help. There might be something going on with your guy or you might be paranoid. If you just aren’t sure, take a look at how he behaves. If your man is hiding something from you, he will likely begin to subconsciously do several of the things from this list.

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