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Celebrity who ruined his partner’s life.





Jim Carrey was accused of giving Cathriona White herpes and exposing her to drugs in an incriminating message written on her iPad two years before her suicide.

White’s former husband, Mark Burton, and her mother, Brigid Sweetman, are suing the actor for wrongful death. Both say that Carrey obtained the drugs White used to kill herself in 2015 under a false identity, and that he gave them to her despite knowing she was depressed and had previously tried suicide. They further claim that Carrey exposed White to “three STDs without warning her.”

After a “forensic examination of Ms. White’s iPad,” Brigid and Mark’s lawyer Michael Avenatti handed the claimed message to People magazine, which reads: “This is what I want, you gave me hsv and hpv, I want you to apologize for it because you care enough to.

“I met you, you introduced me to cocaine, prostitutes, mental abuse, and disease,” she reportedly wrote. “You did good things for me but being with you broke me down as a person Jim.”

“I was promised Jekyll and instead I got Hyde,” she continues. “Because I love you I would have stuck out Hyde all year and done everything he wanted to be with Jekyll for 5 of those but you threw me away when you absorbed anything worthwhile that was left of me.

“I want you to apologise for it because you care enough to. I want you to understand that however little a thing that seems to you, it ruins a girl’s life,” the letter adds.

It’s unclear if Ms White emailed Mr Carrey the message received by the Daily Mail before she killed herself.

“I didn’t get a lawyer so I could take your money,” White reportedly added, “and I am probably going to get in trouble for texting you.”

In response to the note, Carrey’s attorney Ray Boucher said, “This note helps establish the evidence that this was pure fraud, and that White, her lawyers and others were trying to establish a basis for Jim into ultimately settling with her based on these claims. This was part of her and her lawyers campaign to extort money from Jim and ultimately he succumbed.”

Carrey filed a counter-complaint on Friday, stating that White’s attorney Filippo Marchino, his firm The X Law Group, Burton, and Sweetman’s action is only the latest in a series of extortion efforts against him by members of the group.

Carrey noted in the complaint that this was the second time Marchino had attempted to extort money from him. According to Carrey, the first incident happened in 2013, when White warned him that unless he paid her “millions of dollars” she would “go to the press” with false accusations that he had infected White with STDs, “with the participation and assistance” of Marchino.

“In this case, Cross-Defendant Filippo Marchino took what started as a warm and exciting romance between Jim Carrey and Cat White, a beautiful yet immature and emotionally damaged woman, and turned it into an act of extortion, coercion, and theft,” according to the cross-complaint.

“Unfortunately, I made the mistake three years ago of giving in and settling false claims made against me by Mr. Marchino, on behalf of Cat, as mounting a public defense is a very costly and painful process,” Carrey added.

“At the time I felt Cat was being exploited by Marchino. Since this new case was filed, I have discovered the depth of deception behind those false claims, the kind of deception decent people fall for, because to us, such behavior is unimaginable.

“I will not give in a second time to these same fraudulent charges initiated by Cat’s husband in name but not substance Mark Burton, and her estranged mother. Nor am I responsible for what these desperate characters have inadvertently unearthed about the the woman I adored. I was clearly blinded by my affection. Regardless, I will hold a place of empathy, and forgiveness for Cat and continue to focus on the many blessings in this life.”

“Jim Carrey is so desperate to avoid the public knowing the truth about his own outrageous conduct, that he has now resorted to outlandish accusations against innocent people,” Avenatti said in a statement following the filing. “As his interview from a few weeks ago shows, the guy is incoherent and unhinged. He needs help.”
