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How important are beautiful women to society?





To society in general, as important as any other person.

To specific members of society, maybe more important. A fashion designer might seek out a striking dark-eyed beauty because she makes their clothes look good. An ordinary-looking man might seek out this same woman because he wants tall, striking kids.

Pictured from right to left: Rande Gerber, supermodel Cindy Crawford, and their kids Kaia and Presley.

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An movie director making a biopic about Frank Sinatra may cast a lookalike in the role of Frank’s wife, and that woman would certainly be beautiful.

Pictured above: Actress Ava Gardner and husband, musician Frank Sinatra.

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Allied forces in WW2 definitely saw value in “Hedy Kiesler Markey”, and her U.S. Patent 2292387 (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) which made sensitive radio communications almost impossible to locate or intercept by the enemy. A beautiful invention by a beautiful woman.

Pictured above: inventor and Hollywood film star Hedy Kiesler, known better by her screen name, Hedy Lamarr.

This former beauty queen uncovered a decades-long coverup by a major public utility that for 14 years, knowingly contaminated a town’s land and drinking water with genotoxic carcinogens. She was instrumental in settling the case for $333 million, the largest settlement of its kind in US history.

Pictured above: Erin Brockovich, played by Julia Roberts in a movie of the same name.

And millions of AIDS patients certainly valued this beautiful woman whose discoveries laid the foundation for effective treatment for both HIV and Covid.

Pictured above: molecular biologist Flossie Wong-Stall, who passed away in 2020 due to non-Covid-related pneumonia.

Beautiful women are important to society. And women who happen to be beautiful are also important, as are those who happen to be average, plain, or not much to look at.
