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Before and Beyond the Vows Part 2



Significantly, emotions and temperament aren’t the same but works in tandem with each other. Emotion is a person’s natural state of being and involuntary psychological response to an object or a situation. TEMPERAMENT on the other hand is a person’s normal manner of thinking, behaving, or reacting. The tendency to become irritable or angry.

The two reactionary characteristics are somewhat synonymous with each other but interestingly, temperament usually flies on the wings of emotions. The ignition is fundamentally done by the temperamental conditioning of the individual which is then actualized by his or her emotion.

Every human being is created with either of these four temperamental characteristics, namely; Sanguine, Melancholy, Choleric, and Phlegmatic. All these are subsect of emotions.

Subject to our individual ethnic lineage, haven hailed from different homes and background, our upbringing, beliefs, cultural antecedence, and so on, may serve as catalyst toward our extraneous level of seeing and observing things. Our behavioral pattern is paradox to each other.

Don’t be mistaken here. There is a class of people who behaves soberly in a classified environment, and similarly, same people might go haywire in another environment. What do I mean by that?
Without cash, some may chose to live soberly. With little cash and within an enclosed luxurious environment, the real hiding character becomes exposed. The real character of people has the underlying device being driven by emotion at the slightest instance of change of environment.

Emotionally, our behavioral pattern, our talking and the manner in which we express ourselves identifies whom we are and what we are (Matt 12:33).But notwithstanding that, the training one goes through prior to adulthood substantially transforms the individual into a state of maturity where emotional concurrencies are subdued.

Don’t take things for granted on the blind side of love. People can feign holier than thou attitude during courtship then transmogrified into a replica of lion after exchanging of vows.

Now, beyond the vows, it isn’t surprising to begin to signal these unhealthy signs because, human beings are pretentious in all aspect of life, even in Church, seeing them in an angelic manner, appearing as angel of light is no mean astonishing.

One must bear in mind that, the phrase, “what God has joined together, let no man separate”, is a journey of no return, hence the fundamental cautions that precedes the love affairs. Not all that glitters is gold.

Characteristically, everything about people can’t be disclosed or identified before exchange of vows, and that lays credence to why a certificate is provided ab-initio, giving the spouses the ability to build the relationship their own way.

When we come before the altar to do the solemn swearing, one must be well informed that apart from the audience and well-wishers gracing the occasion, angels and God himself witnesses the occasion, making it spiritual and divine.
Therefore the vows and its affirmation shouldn’t be seen as a mere ceremony. It should be revered as solemnly as it is.

Subsequent unpleasant happenings are sometimes irritating and annoying, but understandably, it is inevitable, due to the fact that it is a human institution that is going through resuscitation.

The aftermath of the vows opens an unseen doors with all kinds of unwanted flies invading the marital home, and either pleasant or unpleasant, it is the flavors of the game.
To avoid becoming too apprehensive in the middle of those turmoil, one must be well conditioned spiritually, physically, emotionally and psychologically to face it.

If the unhealthy situations becomes unbearable, separation can be advocated to avoid aggravating the trend where the kids can be entangled with the unnecessary upheavals.

By Sammy Ladzekpo.
